TOC, Palma Mallorca, restaurant review

There is nothing quite like the feeling of stepping out of the airport and feeling the sun on your face and, unfortunately, my arrival in Mallorca was nothing like that. A picked me up from the airport, he and M having arrived the night before, and we set off into Palma for a spot of lunch, before heading to our home for the week, a house just outside the city.

Walking from the car to the Placa d’Espanya, it started to rain. At first just a gentle shower but by the we hit the Placa it was pouring. Luckily for us, we happened upon TOC restaurant just as the heavens opened, lightening lit up the sky and the thunder clattered overhead.

This cosy space was the perfect place to sit out the downpour.  We had the menu del dia which was astoundingly good value at just €11.50 for two courses and a drink.

We started with a fresh, nutty couscous, followed  by pork loin served on a bed of roasted pumpkin purée. The pork was perfectly cooked, caramelised on  the outside and tender. 

A lucky find and definitely recommended for its great food and relaxed friendly service.

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